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Measure What Matters to Get into the Ivy League

Adapted from John Doerr’s book entitled ‘Measure What Matters’   There are several ways to keep you on track toward accomplishing  your goals. Some simply develop goals. Others define their mission of today and vision of tomorrow. A more comprehensive approach is to add an annual strategic plan,[…]

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Applying to Yale as an International Student

Adapted from Victoria Lim’s Vlog from her You Tube Channel Academics Matter but you do not need to be Valedictorian It is obvious that great colleges want to see great grades in rigorous coursework. Excluding Cornell, the Ivy League still requires SAT/ACT scores. SAT Subject Tests are optional[…]

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The Checklist Manifesto and Getting into Stanford

Adapted from New York Time’s Bestselling book by Atul Gawande entitled, “the Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right Imagine a commercial airplane about to disembark from the gateway. On this winter day, the snow forecast is for 8 inches of snow and high winds. The pilots are[…]

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April 1, 2020
Covid 19 and College Admissions: Uncertainty and How to Cope

“Humans are adept at deception. We deceive others to our intentions, our beliefs and our actions. But more impactful are the ways we deceive ourselves.” -Claire Fox   These are interesting times. I cannot think of a more traumatic or transformational period in my life than right now.[…]

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How to Win Friends and Influence People

If your goal is to make friends easily, get people to agree with your way of thinking and get more things done, then this is the book for you. Written by Dale Carnegie in 1936, this book still stands the test of time; and is as relevant as[…]

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