All graduate business schools are not alike. They differ in styles and strengths just the way cars do. Not only do the schools differ in character, their locations shape the experience, with Columbia Business School in New York City a very distinctive vibe compared to Hass at UC Berkeley. When deciding on a top business school, one has to consider curriculum, post-graduation salaries and job placement rates. Which industries do most graduates go into? Do graduates join companies you wish to go to? Columbia Business School assembles a class of 40% international students. MIT puts together a class of 30% engineers. All business schools are different. For you to stand out at Columbia Business School, you must fit the school and the school must fit you, like a “hand and glove,” and like “a match made in heaven.” Then you have to show in compelling fashion what great attributes you have, why you are awesome, and what you’ll contribute to the CBS community.
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