Imagine a book that sells 25 million copies world-wide since 1989; and is the first audio book on planet Earth to sell one million copies. Today I review Stephen Covey’s best seller, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.” It is obvious this book resonates with millions of people on at least 6 continents. There is even one version dedicated to teenagers. Interestingly, the first three habits focus on self-mastery and moving from dependence to independence. The second three habits focus on developing teamwork, collaboration and communication skills, moving from independence to interdependence. The last habit focuses on continuous growth and improvement. Covey emphasizes that in order to be happy and successful, most people need a paradigm shift, a fundamental change in behavior and attitude. Covey’s book shows the way. It is eloquent in its simplicity. The key feature of achieving success via the 7 habits is to build character, not to achieve success. However, if you build fine character, success will naturally follow.
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