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January 15, 2019

Robert Greene’s How to Attain “Mastery”

The Stoic Philosophers nearly two millennia ago realized that brilliant minds appear to be the exception, and the age-old question, “are you born with genius or is it acquired,” is frequently asked. Greek philosopher Socrates, despite being very wise promoted the position that he “knew nothing.” Socrates did appreciate that we see glimpses of amazing intelligence when we feel uncommonly focused, in command and energized. While some possess this mastery intermittently, such as a pitcher in the final inning of the World Series Baseball game, others command this “super power” more regularly. Robert Greene explains in this book a process for acquiring Mastery. As with all skills, they are accessible to just about everyone and can be developed through practice.

There are several phases to becoming a Master; and there are no short cuts:

  1. Follow Your Inclination & Discover your Calling
  2. Apply Social Intelligence
  3. Value Education more than Money
  4. The Apprenticeship
    1. Deep Observation
    2. Skill Acquisition
    3. Do Something Better than Your Master
  5. Mastery
    1. Awaken Your Creative Mind
    2. Combine Your Intuitive with your Logical Mind
    3. To get to the Right Answer, you must ask the Right Questions
    4. Never Stop Learning
  • Follow Your Inclination & Discover Your Calling
    • Some kids find out at a young age they love to play the piano, love to play baseball or love to solve math problems. Imagine starting young and acquiring skill in these passions, ultimately seeking a life-long career in your passion. To the contrary, imagine your parents forcing you to play a sport or go into of field you dislike. Which path do you think you’re more likely to find satisfaction and happiness, the path you chose or the one chosen for you?
  • Apply Social Intelligence (SI)
    • This form of intelligence is important because it is the ability to form relationships and successfully navigate social environments. Some refer to this as “street smarts” and “common sense.” An added benefit of SI is an improved immune system, lower stress, healthier and happier lives.
    • Make others feel important and appreciated, and they’ll want to be around you and support you.
    • The main benefit of social intelligence if your ability to find, secure and maintain the most ideal Master available
  • Value Education over Money
    • Education and the apprenticeship are investments in the future. Certainly, you can find employment that pays better now. However, when you strive to follow your inclination, search for a meaning life, happiness and Mastery, valuing education is the smart play.
  • The Apprenticeship
    • After your education, the apprenticeship begins.
      • With Deep Observation, you pay attention to your Master, the rules of engagement, the environment and the culture. You take note of how the system works and the process. You spend more time listening and watching that talking and doing. You take note of what successful people do?
      • After thorough Deep Observation, you are ready for Skill Acquisition, the process by which you put in your 10,000 hours in order to become a Master.
      • After your education and apprenticeship, create something great & better than your mentor.
      • “Poor is the student who does not surpass his master.” —- Leonardo da Vinci
      • Strategies
        • Value education over Money
        • Trust the Process
  • Absorbing the Master’s Power
    • Find the master that best fits your needs and connects to your life’s task
    • Poor is the apprentice that doesn’t outshine the master
  • Awaken Your Creative Mind
    • Original Mind (crazy, creative)
    • Conventional Mind (mind lost its elasticity & creativity, skilled)
    • Dimensional Mind (combination of the original and the experienced mind)
  • Combine Your Intuitive Mind with you Logical Mind
    • Masters do great things because they can combine The intuitive mind with the rational mind

