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January 2, 2019
Stephen R. Covey’s “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”

Imagine a book that sells 25 million copies world-wide since 1989; and is the first audio book on planet Earth[…]

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January 2, 2019
How to Get into Top Medical Schools

Perhaps, both your parents, an older sibling and an uncle are medical doctors. Perhaps your mother is a pediatrician performing[…]

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January 2, 2019
The Applicants That Stand Out at Columbia Business School?

All graduate business schools are not alike. They differ in styles and strengths just the way cars do. Not only[…]

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December 4, 2018
Success Stories – June

June started in the public high school in New Jersey, then transferred to a Tennis Academy in Arizona. Essentially self-taught, she took her classes online and scored well on the SAT, ultimately getting recruited to several Ivy League universities. She decided to go to Harvard and majored in economics where as a senior she was captain of the tennis team and collectively with teammates won the Ivy League Tennis title.

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December 4, 2018
Success Stories – Julian

Julian graduated from Columbia College in New York, was academically and professionally competitive. He lost much of his writing after graduating college. IvyBound assisted Julian in communicating his true voice through his personal statement, just gaining admission to a top 10 business school.

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December 4, 2018
Success Stories – Haijing

Haijing graduated from Barnard/Columbia and returned to China after graduation. Haijing is a confident, self-driven and sophisticated fashion buyer with a proven record to bring international business to a clothing start-up company. She received an amazing job offer before the MBA announcements were sent.

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