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Self-Development Blog

Robert Greene’s How to Attain “Mastery”

The Stoic Philosophers nearly two millennia ago realized that brilliant minds appear to be the exception, and the age-old question, “are you born with genius or is it acquired,” is frequently asked. Greek philosopher Socrates, despite being very wise promoted the position that he “knew nothing.” Socrates did appreciate that we see glimpses of amazing[…]

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Stephen R. Covey’s “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”

Imagine a book that sells 25 million copies world-wide since 1989; and is the first audio book on planet Earth to sell one million copies. Today I review Stephen Covey’s best seller, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.” It is obvious this book resonates with millions of people on at least 6 continents. There[…]

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