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9th Grade Plan

From: $4,699.00

Brief Description:


This program is designed to create the foundation for secondary education (high school) so that the student performs at a high level academically and has the basis for meaningful

SKU: N/A Category:


Detailed Description:


Better to begin the freshman year with:


  • Exceptional Study Skills & Self-Improvement Activities
  • Extraordinary Time Management and Organizational Skills, and
  • Prudent Short-term Action Plan and Long-term Strategic Plan


After a thorough student and parent interview and background assessment, we explain the college admissions process and the necessity to prepare with unrelenting resolve at the outset and with clear goals in mind. No matter what your interests and passions are, we remind you to make academics your number one priority.


This program provides your:


  • Personalized Admissions Report:
    • Assessment of the student’s academic, personal and extracurricular history
    • We provide recommendations for proceeding forward


  • Personalized Guidance:
    • Course selection
    • Extracurricular activities
    • Summer plans


  • College Admissions Strategy:
    • Year-by-year approach for planning for standardized testing
    • Building Your Narrative, Creating a “hook.”