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10th Grade Plan

From: $4,699.00

Brief Description:


This program is designed to build on the foundation of 9th grade so that the student capitalizes on the academic, personal, extracurricular accomplishments and experiences of the previous year.

SKU: N/A Category:


Detailed Description:


Better to begin the sophomore year having had strong academic success in the 9th grade, and having mastered:


  • Study Skill Techniques & Self-Improvement Methods
  • Time Management and Organizational Skills, and reviewed the
  • Short-term Action Plan and Long-term Strategic Plan


After a thorough student and parent interview and background assessment, we review the college admissions process and the necessity to continue to prepare with unrelenting resolve at the outset and with clear goals in mind, academically, personally and extracurricularly. No matter what your interests and passions are, we remind you to make academics your number one priority.


This program provides your:


  • Personalized Admissions Report:
    • Assessment of the student’s academic, personal and extracurricular history
    • We provide recommendations for proceeding forward
    • Student self-assessment of their interests, preferences, values and goals
    • Student evaluation to better understand their admissions profile
    • Student review of their personal profile
    • Look at the student’s athletic profile
    • Student clarity on the particular qualities of a college that would make it an appealing, and ultimately a “Best Fit, great Dream” college


  • Personalized Guidance:
    • Course selection
    • Extracurricular activities
    • Self-Development Strategies
      • Excelling in Self-Discipline
      • Developing Mastery:
      • Achieving Flow: Living at the Peak of your Abilities
      • Traveling the Road to Character
      • Thinking Like Leonardo Da Vinci
      • The keys to Perseverance
      • Discovering your Willpower Instinct
      • Becoming So Good They Can’t Ignore You
      • Mastering Deep Work
      • Taking Advantage of your Slight Edge
      • Stress Reduction
      • Learning How to Win Friends & Influence People
      • Finding Mentors
    • Summer plans


  • College Admissions Strategy:
    • Year-by-year approach for planning for standardized testing
    • Understand what colleges are looking for in a student
    • Engage evidence-based, student-centered and client-specific strategies
    • Building Your Narrative, Creating your “hook.”